
Mira Joy,

Today you are five.

You’ve completed the fingers on one hand and it’s our last summer together before you start Kindergarten. Five seems very grown up all of a sudden. No longer a baby, a toddler, or the preschooler you were last year. You have changed so much over the last twelve months and part of me will always feel as though I blinked and missed it.

Your birthday is always an emotional day for me. I still remember your first cry that healed our broken hearts. It is impossible for me to celebrate this day without thinking back to that miraculous moment when you came into the world, kicking and screaming, with your big, beautiful eyes wide open. I will never forget the overwhelming feeling of relief, joy and pride. You were here, you were safe and you were ours to love forever.

Mira, you are such a mommy’s girl, never far from my side. I can’t go anywhere these days without you tailing behind, wanting to know where I am going, what I am doing, just wanting to be close to me. You love nothing more than our snuggling up together, sitting in my lap, holding my hand and spending just 5 more minutes chatting at bedtime.

I gained so many things when you were born, however personal space was not one of them.

Yet, you are equally as content pushing me aside for the chance at Daddy’s famous back rubs, stacks of his perfectly round pancakes, or a toss in the air so high that my heart stops, until I remember he will always catch you.

You are so close with your sister, Ellie. The bond that you share is incredibly special. The way that you look up to her with so much pride and admiration. You love her in a way that I can only stand back and be in complete awe.

You are loving and affectionate but only to those who have earned your love, which in my eyes, is a great quality to have. You are never happier than when you are outdoors, running barefoot in the grass, swimming in the pool or rolling around in the sand. You insist on eye shadow before bed and surround yourself with no less than 15 stuffed animals to keep you company while you sleep.

I don't know where your sense of humor comes from, but you are an absolute riot! Your facial expressions paired with your sharp one-liners and impressive vocabulary bring us to tears, every single day.

This year, you braved a host of new experiences–from dance class and day camp to virtual learning and new friends–your confidence continues to soar, hidden at times but pulled from the reserves when you need it most. Resourceful and intuitive, funny and free-spirited, you have grown into your very large personality which leave us sighing with the bittersweet recognition that you are simply growing up.

You are a kind, sweet and loving girl, but you are also fierce and a force of nature to be reckoned with. It’s happening so fast. I’m trying my best to hold onto all the little moments we share together. I’m so proud to be your mom and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings for you.

Happy birthday my sweet Mira Joy. I love you beyond measure.



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