First Blogiversary

Today almost passed me right by.

It was going to be like any other day. Any other Thanksgiving filled with a pajama clad viewing of the Thanksgiving Day Parade and an afternoon with family and waaay too much food. But somewhere in between the turkey and the northbound parkway traffic, I suddenly realized that today was The Joy of Mira’s first anniversary!

It has been one year since we decided to share Mira’s diagnosis publicly and open up our story and my inner most thoughts. One year ago, with more hesitation than anyone will ever know, I hit “Publish” for the first time, and never looked back.

This year, I have learned more than I ever thought possible.

I’ve forced myself out of my comfort zone and into a place where I am vulnerable and honest.

I’ve met incredible people from all over the world.

I’ve learned invaluable life lessons.

I’ve become a mentor.

I’ve changed the course of several babies lives. Babies whose mothers read my cautionary posts and took action.

For these reasons, I feel nothing but gratitude and pride.

To say that writing and maintaining this blog has been easy would be a lie. To say that I knew exactly what I was doing would be another one.

The truth is, The Joy of Mira has been a gift for our family, for others and for myself.

Navigating the past 16 months with Mira and the 3 months before she arrived has been a challenge, to say the least. Having a landing pad for my thoughts, feelings and the extensive information that passes through our lives, has been a saving grace.

Blogging is not my identity, but it has introduced me to different parts of myself with each passage I write. When I think back to when I first purchased the domain, I’m amazed at the progress I’ve made. I’m not saying that to gloat. I’m saying that as a woman who believed in an idea she had and created something out of thin air.

This Thanksgiving, I am so grateful that I took that chance a year ago. I am grateful that I have people in my life who care enough to read what I write. I am grateful for a family who listens and edits and gives me time to sit and write, especially when there are kids to be bathed and endless piles of laundry to fold.

Finally, I am grateful for Mira Joy, for inadvertently inspiring a movement, inspiring a change and every single day, inspiring joy.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

Carly Kutner